American Association
for Primary Care Endoscopy

Improving Health Through Primary Care Endoscopy™

About Us

The AAPCE was founded in 2006 for the purpose of making gastrointestinal endoscopy more accessible to most Americans as well as for improving the overall health of our patients. To this end we strive to provide support and ongoing training for our members as well as encourage endoscopy training in primary care residencies.

Our members' listserve has been an invaluable platform for discussing intriguing and unusual cases with other members.

Our founding president, Dr Bill Coleman, is a family physician who performed gastrointestinal endoscopy for over 30 years and was a past president of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

The AAPCE has the potential to be a vital part of improving health care in our country and we welcome the involvement of primary care physicians who perform or wish to perform gastrointestinal endoscopy.

Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events

The goals of the American Association for Primary Care Endoscopy are as follows:

  • To develop and maintain a national society of primary care endoscopy physicians who share a common philosophy, body of knowledge, and expertise related to endoscopy and its practice.
  • To provide multi-disciplinary educational opportunities for primary care endoscopy physicians using meetings, videos, printed materials, and other educational tools.
  • To encourage and support research in the area of primary care endoscopy and perform regular reviews of the knowledge base in gastrointestinal endoscopy using evidence-based methods.
  • To provide a venue for idea and information sharing among colleagues about the practical aspects of gastrointestinal endoscopy and primary care physician delivery of endoscopy services.
  • To develop, and lead in formulating, position statements, guidelines, and educational material about primary care endoscopy topics for both professional and lay use.
  • To provide a primary care perspective in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy and assist members in addressing issues that affect their ability to offer high quality care to the public.

Members will be added to the list serve discussion group upon acceptance into the association.

Refund, Returns and Cancellation Policies:

If membership is declined for any reason, you will be notified by email and your payment will be refunded.

Privacy Policy
As fellow care providers, your privacy is extremely important to us. To better protect your privacy the following notice explains the information we collect, how it is used, how it is safeguarded, and how to contact us if you have any concerns.

Following our mission, we may at times release information to other members of the AAPCE or as part of a manuscript submitted for publication in a professional journal as follows:

  • Aggregate data regarding professional credentials of members
  • Aggregate data regarding overall practice characteristics of members
  • Aggregate data summarizing endoscopy activities of members

If released, this aggregate data may be subdivided by state, specialty, or other general characteristic. Otherwise, no identifying information will be released without your expressed permission.

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